Saturday, August 13, 2011

Latin Fructus - Latin Fun

In this economy I'm extremely conscious of getting as much use as possible from all of our school supplies. I wanted a curriculum I could, perhaps, come back to through the children's childhood - and I wanted one that could be used for a wide spread of ages. When searching for a Latin curriculum for my 2 boys (who are 10 & 7) I came across a few, but they didn't meet our needs. They were either too easy, 'not explaining just stating', or they were confusing with contradictory information, and none tied in Roman history with art & science. It was exceedingly frustrating. I wanted a curriculum that was engaging and fun for my boys - that incorporated fun historical activities along with silly songs and poems that help the kids remember the information. I also wanted to tie the Latin grammar to what we use today - to reinforce their English lessons and understanding of where these, sometimes strange, rules came from. After years of searching, and several hundred dollars spent, I gave up finding 1 curriculum that had all those things. A few friends listened to my frustrations and suggested I design one myself - -that if I was looking for an all inclusive curriculum, then chances were many other parents were as well. That's how I came up with the outline for LATIN FRUCTUS (Latin Fun).
This curriculum is appropriate for grades Prek - 7th grade: depending on the student's level of understanding, the instructor would choose from the multiple of worksheets or activities for each lesson. Everything from Reading Comprehension, historical activities and Internet searches for the older children, all the way down to fun chants and songs as well as tracing for the young crowd. Who knew Latin could be so fun! The DISCIPULI workbook is designed to be printed and placed in a 3-ring binder for easy use. My advice is, for Prek-grade 1 level, laminate the worksheets so you can come back to them again and again as the child ages.
In the MAGISTRA (teachers) book I approached Latin from the idea that the teacher would have little to no Latin of their own. I wanted to give extensive explanations, the reasons such grammatical rules were in place (like the lack of upper and lower case letters as well as no punctuation, for instance). Therefore, the teachers workbook has much more information than the student book. More extensive history, science, additional worksheets, and lesson plans, even translated nursery rhymes! Each week has an art project that ties in with the Roman history in the teachers book (from Emperor Nero, making a lyre, mythology, Pompeii, making models of the aquaducts, colluseum & parthenon, and understanding the gladitorial games! Don't forget ancient astronomy, math and understanding volcanoes! This workbook is also designed to be printed and placed in a 3-ring binder for easy access.

Here are samples of the files.
Student Workbook Sample
Teachers Compendium Sample
Printable Book Sample


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Excellent! I cannot wait to get to my laptop and check it out! Thank you!!
